
Mar 29, 2020

Cutlets with caper sauce

I love to wander around in the internet to search for a new recipe to try out. Most of my inspiration I find at FOOBY as they have a big variety of different recipes. I like it easy, but still delicious and this particular one is a soulfood which is yumy, easy and a classic one!

The ingredients you need:

300g meat (I'm using calf)

1 tbsp of white flour for the meat

1/2 dl lemon juice

1 1/2 dl chicken bouillon

2 glasses of capers

1 tbsp of white flour for the sauce

2 tbsp of butter

salt & pepper

Season the meat and toss in the flour. Afterwards heat some butter in a frying pan. Fry the meat for approx. 2 mins on each side, remove from the pan and keep warm.

Pour the lemon juice and stock into the same pan, loosen any bits that have stuck to the bottom of the pan. Add the capers and season. Mix the butter and flour.

Add the mixture to the pan while stirring, simmer for approx. 5 mins. Return the cutlets to the pan and heat gently.

Now you need to do the last point: serve the meat with the sauce and you're ready to serve your meal!
